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How to create content which attracts attention

Thursday, February 4, 2016
How to create content which attracts attention

How does a fish feel when it is trying to swim upstream?

That is exactly the feeling which companies and businesses are nowadays feeling when they are trying to market themselves online. Even though access to social media and to modern technologies has made our lives easier when it comes to the tools to be used, it is also serving as a double-edged sword. Content is being published at such a fast rate, that consumers are losing attention.

When producing content we need to be sure that we are creating is not only meaningful, but also gives value to the end received. The following are five tips which will hopefully make your lives easier.

1. Simplicity

How many times have you started reading an article and after a couple of minutes you find yourself browsing around? Simplicity is the key to everything – it is better to break down an idea into a number of articles rather than writing a whole dissertation about it. When in doubt always go by the KISS rule i.e. Keep It Simple Stupid.

2. Controversy

Yes they do say that variety is the spice of life, however everyone can agree that the next best thing is some gossip or controversy. Even though it is very important that we always stay true to our brand, we have to keep in mind that content needs to be interesting. Do inform your customers about new services or products which you might offer as a company, but keep in mind that everyone loves some juicy old gossip.

3. Depth

Short items are perfect to keep your readers’ attention, however always keep a healthy balance. An article which might be a bit longer than usual might actually convert more if it has a certain amount of detail in it. Keep in mind that even though the online world is flooded with content, your readers will appreciate that they are being challenged.

4. Frequency 

Any online marketer can guiltily say that they have passed through days in which they felt like gurus constantly updating their online presence, followed by periods drier than the Sahara desert. Even though the generation of content is not that easy (despite of what our boss might say or think) we need to be consistent with our publications.

Make sure that you frequently post something online – being it an original article on your website or a funny joke on your social media accounts, frequency is key. Out of sight, out of mind!

5. Adaptability

The world of the internet is such a volatile one that we always need to be aware of what is in and what was yesterday’s news. We cannot expect people to just follow our online efforts just because we have created a new campaign. Keep in mind that we have to move our business into the stream of online traffic and note vice-versa.


‘5 Ways to Create Content That Actually Gets Attention’ accessed from on the 3rd of February, 2016.